
It's been four months.. God, I just.. I can't believe that. It's been four months since I last told you I love you and said goodbye. It's been four months since you've done the same. It's been four months since a day's past that I haven't thought of you. I love you, Benji. Rest In Paradise 7/4/12


It's been four months.. God, I just.. I can't believe that. It's been four months since I last told you I love you and said goodbye. It's been four months since you've done the same. It's been four months since a day's past that I haven't thought of you. I love you, Benji. Rest In Paradise 7/4/12


LOOL you can seduce at any age, wow I'm such a good influence xD
          American guys are just so hot though LOL, All the ones I met were sweethearts :)
          really?! Oh yeah theres like a 5 hour time difference right? It's half past seven at night over here :)


          LOOOOL seduce them xD
          awwh LOL how nice :P
          It's not only guys in America that are like that, we do have douche bags over too!
          Everyone gets screwed over by a guy at some point in their life, you just can't help it to be honest!


Hhahhahahhahha! He's must've been like what is this weird 15 year old doing in gym xD
          hahahhaah, if they were hot then it's all good ;)
          To be honest London does have pretty hot guys, but they're all married LOL or taken xD
          I aim about to go out for a family party :P you? xx


LOOOL my cousins STILL tease me to the day when they see my drunk shirt xD
          If I had to rate him on a scale of 1-10, he would get an 11, aaaah he was so perfect! I want to go back to Florida to see him :P
          Wait! LOL WHY?! Ahahahahahha xx


Oh shut up, you ARE pretty!
          I know right, I'm so cool ;)
          The receptionist at our hotel was so gorgeous OMFG I'm not even lying, he was spanish with this gorgeous strong american accent and he had the night shifts at our hotel, so during the day he was in the hotel gym, and then one day my whore cousin was like the manager's in the gym, so I ran downstairs in my pyjamas, a shirt that said Drunk and shorts you couldn't even see and started working out at the gym. It was the most humiliating thing because I'm so weak I couldn't even do the smallest weight -.- And he was there doing like some 5 billion pound weights xD
          I just thought i should share my life story with you LOL xD
          What the hell?! AHHH What are you doing up there?! xx


Boys here WILL fall in love with you ;)
          I fell in love with every american guy in Orlando, because they were so sweet and their accents, ohmygod just so hot.
          Not much, I'm about to go to a party which doesn't start till like ten but I feel like getting ready three hours earlier because i'm just so special ;)
          Hhaha what about you? What you up to?