this message may be offensive
Nothing I do will actually be enough
She doesn't actually like me, he's only putting up with me to make me happy, I made her dependent on me and now I want to leave, I'm fat, ugly, annoying, rude, impulsive, self-centered, narcissistic, selfish, cruel, disgusting, I get in the way of everyone and everything 24/7, I cry too much, I'm too needy and clingy, I bring my problems onto other people, I hurt them and play with their feelings, I'm too high-maintenance, I push people away, I bribe, manipulate, and blackmail people into telling me things, I take too much from them without giving them anything back, if I kill myself I'll finally be out of the way and nobody will have to deal with me anymore but then they're be a chain reaction of suicides because everybody "cares" soooo much about me, I make everything about myself, I can't just sit and suffer in silence like everyone else because I need to be "special", should spend more time with her and stop taking advantage of everyone.... fuck