
Hey everybody! I got pickpocketed and lost my phone in France. I am not returning to America for another 9ish days. So I am very sorry about the no updates. I am writing this from my very crappy school computer and overall this vacaction has been a total nightmare. I never wanted to be one of those authors that just left an unfinished book, so I will try my damn hardest to post soon.


Uhm dude take care of yourself and rn I'd say that staying safe and intact is your main priority 


@Mentally_Not_Ok aww I'm sorry, i really hope your summer turns around <33


Hey Elias, hope things have gotten better, sending love, care, and safety throughout the holiday season
          ~AJ, a long time fan of your work


@avery_big_gay Hey AJ I hope you’re doing well. It’s been rough adjusting to adult life but I’m really trying to get back into writing. Almost done with the story I’ve got now and many ideas for more to come! Thanks for supporting me I remember your comments from my previous works and I always appreciated them. Thanks for being such a wonderful fan and friend  I started writing on here at 15 I think and I’m about to turn 19 this month. It’s crazy. 


Hey everybody! I got pickpocketed and lost my phone in France. I am not returning to America for another 9ish days. So I am very sorry about the no updates. I am writing this from my very crappy school computer and overall this vacaction has been a total nightmare. I never wanted to be one of those authors that just left an unfinished book, so I will try my damn hardest to post soon.


Uhm dude take care of yourself and rn I'd say that staying safe and intact is your main priority 


@Mentally_Not_Ok aww I'm sorry, i really hope your summer turns around <33


At the Talent Center I go to a few teachers know I write ‘books’ because of my peers mentioning it. Well, today one teacher said that he had been talking with another and they wanted to buy one of my books!?! Like that is amazing and great but- I write gay sex! Sure there is plot- but it is gay plot! Sex! It has sex! AHSJDOEKEKEKE I nervously laughed and walked away I can’t with myself !




Congrats, eeeee.. i'm so happy for you, Like so good.
          Hope you find the name you like.


@llizana lmao. I decided on the name Elias! 


@Mentally_Not_Ok what name did you decide on?? The purpose is curiosity and no judgement whatsoever 


After 4+ years of trying to shove these feelings away. I’ve decided to come out. So far it’s only been to a few close friends but I’m so sick of pretending. I bawled my eyes out the few days leading up to my first prom because I didn’t want to wear a dress. I hated how I looked in it. So here I am saying this. I’m TRANS! As of now I want to go by he/him. Most of you won’t care, but this will make me feel better. Officially coming out to others. I’m still having help settling on a name. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.  Have a good rest of your day!


@Mentally_Not_Ok Congrats!!! those are some amazing news :)


@Mentally_Not_Ok That's amazing and it's great that you've found yourself!! And I feel you on that wearing a dress thing, I hope you have a great prom too. :)