
Chapter 15 of My Sister's Boyfriend is finally available! Check it out and let me know what you think!


@MeowMeow747 when is chapter 16 coming out


Hey, I was just wondering if you could check out my story “Famous”. I spent a lot of time on it and unfortunately it hasn’t been getting the response I wanted. It would be great if you read it and maybe voted! Have a great day ❤️ 


Hey there im just reminding you you're story MySistersBoyfriend i mean its really good but its been almost two years. Im still hoping for next chapter. You've hanged up a chapter that almost showed a bed scene then left us hanging for almost two years. Pls lang update it or just complete it


Hey guys! So I finally updated My Sister's Boyfriend after almost 11 months! Thanks to everyone who is still around and still cares and to any new readers that might be interested in this story. Never stop bugging me to update (it's what motivated me to crank out a chapter tonight) and expect more soon!


Hey guys! So I just realized that there was an error in Chapter 5 of My Sister's Boyfriend. The chapter cut off after Landon said "Because I'm older" when talking to Luke. I can't believe I never noticed before. I added the rest of the chapter so head back over and read the second half if you haven't before, I'm not sure if the error occurred way back when I originally posted it or if the whole chapter posted originally and then disappeared or if the full chapter has never been there before.


You should really start a book about Luke and devin from " my sisters boyfriend" I would love to read it from his point of view if his situation and his love for Devin, it would be an awesome book!!! It would mean alot even if it was just a few chapters, I would love it!!!