
Alot of promises were made and alot of those promises never came to fruition, a battle with writers block, doubt and my own forgetfullness, this time; no promises. Writing for me, will always be a hobby and as much as i love and appricate every single one of you, and all those beautiful and comedics comments, you all make, i cannot keep up with the stories I have, as you may have seen i start makeing new ones, and the old ones suffer for it.. 
          	For awhile- i have been meaning to post OC stories here, oc x character type stories, but... i don't think they will do well at all- in my mind- why would someone want to read a romance between an oc and a character-- instead of a self inster-- so i've always held back, and replaced the OC with a self instert, which isn't  a half bad idea, but the reader is very hard to characterize, the lines, bounds, character flaw all become so blurred, that and never buckling down on the story have lead to stinky results of which i am sorry for. The stories aren't close!! Just---- it's gonna be a hot minuet before i get there </3 that being said--- i am going to bite the bullet and try and put one of my oc stories out there--- though i don't expect it to do well--- it cant hurt- right?


@MeowMixX10 welp technically your not wrong though  we always battle our writers block and make other books,but i do love oc's...also new follower 


Alot of promises were made and alot of those promises never came to fruition, a battle with writers block, doubt and my own forgetfullness, this time; no promises. Writing for me, will always be a hobby and as much as i love and appricate every single one of you, and all those beautiful and comedics comments, you all make, i cannot keep up with the stories I have, as you may have seen i start makeing new ones, and the old ones suffer for it.. 
          For awhile- i have been meaning to post OC stories here, oc x character type stories, but... i don't think they will do well at all- in my mind- why would someone want to read a romance between an oc and a character-- instead of a self inster-- so i've always held back, and replaced the OC with a self instert, which isn't  a half bad idea, but the reader is very hard to characterize, the lines, bounds, character flaw all become so blurred, that and never buckling down on the story have lead to stinky results of which i am sorry for. The stories aren't close!! Just---- it's gonna be a hot minuet before i get there </3 that being said--- i am going to bite the bullet and try and put one of my oc stories out there--- though i don't expect it to do well--- it cant hurt- right?


@MeowMixX10 welp technically your not wrong though  we always battle our writers block and make other books,but i do love oc's...also new follower 


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Hey! im back!! kinda, i gotta new spark in me, a kind of tingle tongle im ready to kick-start my many many unfinished writings that ya'll rightfully deserve I didn't forever becuase-- i felt that it had been so long that i lost the groove of the story.. but fUCK IT. Your comments have melted the absolute FEAR that dewelled within my writers mind, I swear i DIDN'T forget tanaka, (y/N)'s gonna use her powah's. Will the Kou empire tear (y/n) and sinbad apart? owo and why is there a spider in the tub...? FIND OUT NEXT ON THE STORIES YOU LOVE MOST!! -WRITERCHAN YEEEEOUT!!


Hello! Tis I, Writer-Chan. First- I wish you all a good health and happiness, I wish you strength and guidance. Alot is happening in 2020 alot- has happened in 2020 and alot is going on in 2020.
           It's been so long since I've made these fanfictions and being a perfectionist I find it difficult to continue after so long. No I'm not ending all of them. And I thank you for the constant support. I know all of you are so eager  to read the next parts. I've definitely evolved in my writings. What's keeping me from continuing is I'm afraid there will be a shift in quality. When you're reading a story, everything 'flows' sure, you have your rapid declines and sudden inclines- or even the other way around- but when there is a shift- you can tell, the wording will change, the 'language' of the story is.. different-- tone if you will. It's like talking to a friend that you haven't spoken to- or even text in years, their phrases change, the way they word things might be different, views, the amount of emojis, the use of emojis-- it's hard to explain! But I hope you get the just of it. 
          I cannot guarantee a time, date, month, when a part will be out, or anything like that- however if I havent already the A Tragic Story Kite x Reader is finished. I am very happy, surprised at how many people read it let alone favorited it. I do tune in and I do try to write, continue on a part, though it is more sparse than i want it to be
          Thank you, All of you
          - Writer-Chan


Hello everyone, I want to thank you all for such love and support you have given me over the years. I am admiting myself to the hospital for awhile. I know I've never been constant in my works. But I felt you guys deserve to know. I love you all. See you in a month <3


@Nanna_Louw @Nanna_Louw oh I'm hanging in there , and you?


@MeowMixX10 Haven't heard from you in a while... How you doin'?


@MeowMixX10 and I really really love the story u made about Ronald knox! I think you have a lot of potential to be a writer! I can't wait until you update!


Happy Halloween everyone!! I hope you all enjoyed it, for those who have been waiting patiently on my Hope! Sinbad X Reader I'm currently still stumped on it so I've had my focuses on the other Fanfictions, if you happen to have interest in those characters I encourage you to show them some love! And even with all the love you showed my origonal Undertakee x Reader, which I highly appreciate btw, I was upset with my storyline so I happened to make another one despite the 111 current views on it, I'm glad you enjoyed it! So be sure to check the second one i.made as well, as I believe I stuck closer to his personality and made him laugh more. Again, thank you for all of the support! I am currently working on two fanfictions at once which are the second Undertaker x Reader and  the Ronald Knox X Reader, I am stumped on the Undertaker X Reader, so that has also come to a small halt until I can think of something ^-^;. However I do have another fanfiction coming out with Ging Freekcss! I'm sorry but his slightly stubbly chin has captivated me completely! So with that said do keep an eye out for that as well! Well, Writer-Chan~~ out! 0w< <3


Hey everyone! I'm back from break and I'm coming up with new fanfictions for more magi characters and even someone in hu8nter x hunter and im even redoing my gaara one from Naruto, however this will take some time, I hope you enjoy and if you have any suggestions let me know! I also want to thank you so much for the support of the Sinbad x reader fancit, I love you guys so much!! Every time I look at it I just smile and it brightens up my day just to see how much you guys liked it. Anyway, Writer-Chan, out! >w0