uh oh. I just had an idea for a story. Aw crap, now it's not going to leave me alone. It's sorta crazy but only because it's the type of story I don't usually find interesting - gender reversals. Urgh. Like I don't have enough to work on. Thanks ADHD brain. Always on target, you. I've been incomunicado for months, popping into wattpad sometimes when I remember I left things hanging, but RL has been demanding and hasn't quit. (I'm stealing a few minutes on turkey day while things bake and I' m supposed to be taking a shower!) I'm sorry if I left you hanging. I really want to fix that, honestly. I think about our conversations a lot. I'm really sorry to be so unreliable.

@varisoul oops missed this… my attention span for watt pad still needs work! Thank you so much for the kind words! I really appreciate the encouragement!

@Mercy_boo i'd honestly love to read anything you want to write, anytime, anywhere; as long as you're willing to find the time to write it. so take your time! bake your turkey day food, take warm showers, sing in your living room, binge watch tv shows, drown in work and stress about your next morning coffee; none of us are going anywhere, neither is this platform, nor this world. take your time- slowly! i believe in you; and you should as well.