You are a complete love. Brink was already written so I could update everyday. The next one won't be so fast! I work and I'm pretty knackered when I get home :). It was a cliff hanger ending. I wanted to take the reader's breath away. I didn't want to tie everything up because life is always a work in progress. I really appreciate what you said because it's got me thinking ... I really missed 'the girls' when I finished. Shaun was the lead in Brink, maybe Rowe could 'star' in the next. She's a dark horse. Colyn in prison would be fun to write. I kind of know what happens to Shaun and Jay and Marty, and Kahli and her men. Tom I'd like to flick, but the ugly truth has to come out, surely? Anyway thanks again for your support. It's really inspired me to keep writing :)