
When you check the score of the hockey game and see that your favourite player was  hit and panic... Thanks Chicago...


Hey Guys, so I started another book IRL but I was wondering if you wanted it posted here. Here's a preview: 
          "Real." He states playing with his blue slightly frayed denim jacket. The same one I had chosen for him in the character sketch. 
          "No," I state slamming my locker shut. "I made you you in English class. You are a fictional character- and why am I talking to you?!" I ask myself with vague hand motions.
          "No, I'm real. I'm standing right here talking to you." He states leaning casually against the lockers like the world wasn't completely messed up. 
          "YOU ARE FICTIONAL!!!!" I yell having multiple people look at me with confused expressions.
          All he does is an annoying smirk. Only now did it occur to me that creating a cocky, brown haired, blue eyed boy in English class could backfire. "You are making me look insane." I hiss once the looks had faded.
          "You're doing tat all on your own darling." He states
          So yeah. I would love you to tell me what you think!


hola guapa , me podrias hacer un gran favor , que agradeceria muchisimo , podrias votar mi novela y comentes , espero que te guste , si lo haces te harw cualquier favor!! ☺♥
          Hey Beuty , Can you do to me a favor , i will aprecciate it , can you vote my novel , and will coment? , if you do that i can do a favor to u!! ☺♥.