I really love Melanie Martinez ya'll. Like, she is such a majestic person with a sweet heart. She talks about topics other artists are afraid to and puts it into words that you can understand. I just discovered 5 of her songs that I've, surprisingly, never listened to, 2 of which are in the Dollhouse ED. Gingerbread Man, Fire Drill, Dead to Me, Bittersweet Tragedy, and Copy Cat. Bittersweet Tragedy really has my heart because I really love Highschool Sweethearts and the two songs feel like inverses of each other. Highschool Sweetheart feels like an anger at love and not getting the love life she wants while Bittersweet Tragedy gives a more melancholic feeling to the downsides of not getting her love she wanted. Anyway, I just really love her and I feel like her music touches people where it matters. <3