
Hello, are you Edward perhaps? Sorry for the random and sudden message but im friends w a girl u dated, and i was recently told abt what happened between u guys when u left, im not here to degrade u or argue, shes just very confused and hurt over what happened and id really like to know as well, ofc no pressure at all and im sorry for her recent behavior and the behavior of her friends as well. We just all think itd be best to have a proper conversation before anything serious happens (syl is not the best person mentally right now and honestly im kind of scared of her), please respond when you can !!! best of luck with everything else :)


@Nagitostightboyhole wtf is that name? Um I am gonna try and reach out with the person (not writing their name bc hiw am I supposed to spell it) I took a break and I think they have too. Not talking for them of course, because I dont know them. Maybe you have the wrong person, again I dont know. I would try reaching out to them on a different platform, because they dont seem very active right now, and perhaps never will be. Try discord, I cant remember their account though. Best of luck too you, hope this message doesn't come too late 


Hey. It's been a while hasn't it?


@imveryconfusedhelpme Damn, sorry you were sick. Hope you better now, though. I'm pretty good, just some major cramps in my legs, but nothing else too bad. Thanks for asking


@Mertxz sick asf. Couldn't breath this morning and walking without fainting was impossible, hbu?


@imveryconfusedhelpme Sure has. How are you?


"IdC wHo ThEy ArE iD PrObaBlY kIsS tHeM"-@OfficerXD_1


ummmmmmmmmmm shut up ig