i think you dont recognize me , my username was @itsmeanushka333 we had shared our insta as well , i hope you remember!

I enjoy it a lot. People are very friendly here in Texas. I was also an introverted person before. Then everything changed. You’ll also get used to it after you move on from your comfort zone. It’s hard at first. But eventually everything gets better. You have to push yourself hard to adjust. And you know, time will change everything. You will do well after a time being. The saddest part is missing my family. Thats it!

@MesmerizedButterFly now this is what im scared of tbh , scared of people not accepting me or my problems going unnoticed because im js a foreigner and complains about everything,also having no friends scare me too , im quite an introvert but then having someone you know in an unknown place gives you peace... i understand why it must have been hard for you , so do you enjoy now or still regret coming ??

@OUTROJHS do whatever you like! It’s the main thing everyone should do. Everything is so hard after you move to a new country. I cried for almost 1 year everyday saying why I came here! Everything is so tough to a new county! Sometimes you feel like give up to everything and go back to your country. That’s why choose your country carefully!