You hit 1k reads on Condemned in Love, congrats it's a big achievement! Hope everything is going well, we'll have to catch up soon, maybe you can sleep over one weekend in my hotel before we move out (: Flo (p.s that's my pen name, if you're wondering who this is, it's your most favourite cousin in the world! Just kidding, lachlan's cooler than me )

@MesmerizingGold I know the feeling. I have super bad writers block at the moment and can't finish the end of my next chapter. We definitely need to catch up. I might have something for my birthday but I don't know when because of everything that's happening with the house. I also definitely need to get the first season of Breaking Bad from you because I really really really want to watch it. See you soon c: xx

@eluetheromania Hey Flo, Yes thank you it is quite a achievement. Ive been finding it so hard to find time to write though which is really disappointing:( yes we should! maybe in the holidays some time?? I'm so busy at the moment xxx