
Just a heads up, Im still working on new stuff, and I might try to do all chapters and release finished projects, cuz when you publish unfinished ones you become at a loss at how you would continue it, or that's just to me ?
          	Anyhow, Ill still be doing this writing, I didn't let it and I wont let it go.


@MetalSoul7 my new account is Omegadelta67 


@MetalSoul7 my discord was taken. Any message from shadow striker is not me un friend them.


Just a heads up, Im still working on new stuff, and I might try to do all chapters and release finished projects, cuz when you publish unfinished ones you become at a loss at how you would continue it, or that's just to me ?
          Anyhow, Ill still be doing this writing, I didn't let it and I wont let it go.


@MetalSoul7 my new account is Omegadelta67 


@MetalSoul7 my discord was taken. Any message from shadow striker is not me un friend them.


Hey MetalSoul!
          Here's some updates about your Short Film:
          - The pre-production has just begun. Which is the part of planning the movie.
          - It will not be in the form of a chipmunk, but in human form. 
          - I won't be able to add all the events of your story, but I will add more to enrich the story. (Other moments that don't appear in your story)
          Good days/nights!


"The nightmares never ended, I still feel like I'm having a wildfire burning inside my heart, and it might be a matter of time before I fall apart. I can't even tell anyone about what I am going through, for spilling the beans about it means the loss of my family and friends. Until I figure something out... Nobody should know...
          That I led to the death of Alvin..."
          - When Guilt Haunts Worse Than Ghosts "Dawn Is Not Far"


"They are well rested now they know I am not mad at them, the guilt is no longer there. What now? Will knowing who led to my end satisfy me? Is there anything to satisfy me now? What was I even hoping for? Was what I wished for when I was alive worth it? Did my existence matter? Does it matter now?"
          When Guilt Haunts Worse than Ghosts - "Overwhelmed"


@Omegadelta12 More like a crazy 2 am idea cuz I had to think of how to keep the main idea of the story present (The Guilt part)


@MetalSoul7 Very nice quote. Very deep.


Hi MetalSoul! I wanted to ask you something...
          I am a creator of short films, and I wanted to see if I could use one of your stories as the basis for a future film of mine.
          The specific story is that of Alvin receiving a tumor.
          I wanted to know if I can base a short film on that story. Since I loved how it was.
          - ExoFrameProductions 


I will do that. Thank you so much. I'll let you know if the short film will be made or not. Thanks.
            My YouTube channel is "ExoFrame Productions". I am Spanish so the short film is going to be in Spanish.


@El_AlvinFan Thats amazing, I'd love to see your short films, as for taking one of my works for inspiration, Im okay with that as long as you don't forget to give credits


To think that my recent work is already gaining this much interest from readers even before finishing it was rather surprising to me. Since the time I stopped updating it, well, let's say I lost hope of pretty much everything. 
          I am genuinely grateful that I am still able to make something readers would enjoy (that doesn't have romance, of course. I have no idea why romance is this common lately)
          Thank you
          - MetalSoulVII


@MetalSoul7 good to see ypur work getting recognized. 


I feel rather disappointed my latest project was another fail. But I still have its end all planned up, expect a 7th chapter by the end of this week.


Feedbacks and viewers' satisfaction are more important than views.


Thanks you two, I considered it a fail because i was hoping to learn to write better using constructive feedbacks, because i am aiming to become better, that way i can satisfy readers in the genres I picked


But to be honest, your story about Alvin's tumor made me cry like a waterfall, believe it or not. Very good for me.