
Okay so I rewrote some stuff about my books and the time gap between the first one and the second one is now different it is no longer 6 years it is now one year because I thought 6 years was a bit too overdoing it if you guys spot a 6-year mention let me know and I'll rewrite it


Okay so I rewrote some stuff about my books and the time gap between the first one and the second one is now different it is no longer 6 years it is now one year because I thought 6 years was a bit too overdoing it if you guys spot a 6-year mention let me know and I'll rewrite it


Hey guys so it's been a minute I know I haven't really touched this book in a while and to be real I'm not going to lie here I've just been procrastinating a hell of a lot lately I got the new Sonic game recently and I've been playing fortnite as well and that's been distracting me so I hope to get my crap together and actually continue with the current Arc and give a damn good story so just bear with me and I will continue riding soon once the stupid riders block gets out of my head so yeah see you guys soon!


Hey Metal Boi. I have a question for you. Do you plan on redoing Metal Sonic’s redemption? Now that uhh. The existence of Sage? Metal’s younger sister


@Metal_boi122 I wonder how Metal would react to seeing Sage


@SONOW0409 I've referenced sage in later chapters and later book. But now maybe I'd like to incorporate her sooner or later in either the first book or the current one


Hey umm just out of curiosity. Since Nights is dead….. whos Metal’s potential love interests?


@Metal_boi122 well alright then 


@SONOW0409 a female metal sonic clone i came up with for the story just keep reading you'll see


Okay so I've thought about it so soon im gonna make an au of my first book that turns metal sonic from a brave hero to a psychotic killer slaughtering everyone in his path to get to eggman.. it will be called METAL SONICS REDEMPTION. BRUTAL VENGEANCE AU!!!


Well the first two chapters of my sequel are published and I'm currently working on the third this will be the first time I mess with villain arcs in a story and I've been a bit slower on writing because I've been helping my sister with babysitting Monday through Friday but I'll get the third one published soon so until then please check out the sequel (if you read the first book)