
Chopping up Swallowed By Darkness into palatable 2k chapters + 2 new chapters otw ⚡️


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Yes. It's been a very trying time for me--anyone, for that matter. With COVID, almost failing out of RN school, gaining 15+ pounds from RN school, always broke (nursing school) being severely depressed for almost 9 months, I really don't know how any of us made it through this shitty year. But that's finally behind me and now it's time to move forward with achieving other goals I've sacrificed for school. 
          I won't be posting anything until I've passed my licensure exam. I'm planning on taking it mid-January because with Christmas and New Year's right around the corner, I just won't have the proper time to study like I need to. Then after: getting back into the gym, watching tv and anime, reading, and writing my WIPs. 
          I don't think there's anything changed in my writing style, but I can understand how reading can affect your own style. Hell, it was because of reading Shanan Abe and Laini Taylor that delved into lyrical prose. Those two were biggest style influencers--but I mainly prefer Laini Taylor because she has a vivid imagination when it comes to fantasy ideas--her romances are shit, though, but her world-building is amazing. What I'd give to live in her head. 


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@Causality_ that's so much holy cow. All of those trials really speaks to your strength and drive, it's so unfair how you were forced to prioritize your education over your mental and physical wellbeing and I'm glad you were able to fight through it! Even though I know you'll be studying promise me you'll take time during the holidays to reconnect with yourself before New Years, even if it's for a couple of days!
            Good luck with your studying and overall just getting back to reality cause nursing truly is a whole different world. This year has definitely been such a friggin mess it's ridiculous. The push for toxic productivity by schools and businesses is so gross to see, especially when it truly has such a negative impact on the individual.
            And I recently got into anime! Do you have any suggestions from when you actually had time to enjoy them 
            That's so true, you write what you know but make it yours. That's the beauty of creating really, being able to see the mundane in so many colorful perspectives. I've read some Abe, but the way you describe Taylor imma have to look up her work. 
            & that's very true, heck the lycan section of wattpad is still thriving after al these years. A cartel story by you would be so bada**! And that's very true, f**k it imma write whatever.


So go ahead and write what you want. As long as you enjoy it and others, it alright.


@Causality_ I wouldn't stress too much about the popularity of Mafia fiction. So what if it's "stale," if that's what you want to write then write it. Tropes and trends die and resurrect all the time. Who knows: you may be the one to bring it back. Hell, I've always wanted to write a gangster/Mafia/Cartel inspired story actually, I do have a Pinterest board for it--but when I do get around to it best believe I'm working on it. LOL 


There's really nothing going on besides graduating RN school. What have you been up too, writing-wise. I do have new ideas that I can finally FINALLY work on and post due to being free of university. Skulls will forever be my main goal but I've got two new fantasies WIPs and some Contemporary NA and YA WIPs sitting on a flash drive ready to be dusted off and ready to release. So I'm sorta back but really not but we'll see what next year holds.
          Also Merry Christmas and New Year to you, too. I hope you achieve and reach all your goals in life!


@Causality_ Omg Skulls is such a throwback wow, I can't wait to reread. I'm glad that you finally have some time to pursue writing again, and I'm excited to see how your style's developed! And honestly, I'm still trying to figure out my writing style. I've realized that I kinda base my ideologies around books I regularly consume online instead of being true to what I enjoy, so I'm not sure. I started this new project called Swallowed By Darkness but idk how I'm feeling about it, I have a nice plot for it but I think the mafia fiction is kinda stale at this point. I flew through writing Inferno a couple of years ago so I'm sure I'd cringe if I went back to read it 
            And same here! I'm glad we're able to keep in touch all these years, it's been amazing to see how we've grown through our writing & conversation!


Hey girlie! I do have awesome news: I graduated RN November 24th! All I need to do now is take my licensure exam and BAM! new chapter of my life can begin. Also: you're going to RN school, too. Hell yeah! They us out there in those trying times. So I'm rooting for you because nursing school is no joke, but if have the discipline and determination, you'll get through it. I assure you.


@Causality_ AAH congrats!! That's amazing, power to you and all you've done! Do you have an idea of the type of nurse you want to be? And thank you! First semester, whew. Especially with this online format I feel woefully underprepared for that big license exam but I'm hoping these next few semesters will be better.


I'm just here to check up on you deary! Hope you've had a wonderful Christmas/New Year! Hope you achieve all your goals set for this year!


@Orianthi_ I hope so, too. Thanks!


@Orianthi_ Aw thank you, you too!! I hope all is well with you and that you're ready to blow 2018 out of the water!