
i was reading Swallow and caught interest in your profile, so like any normal person would do, i checked it out. and my goodness, your bio is everything. i sat for a good five minutes reading and re-reading it and i've got to say, it really sparked something. i don't know if you thought it up or found it online, but i highly commend you for simply having it on your profile for people to see and possibly make a difference.


"I walk around like everything is fine, but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off", I can't relate more to this than I already do... xD


I just say shleep which is the same as sleep


Means im sleep. Like dead laughing. Thats what ppl say or like IM DEAD. Which means laughing, xD, all that good stuff. Get to 2017 mannn 


I feel stupid rn, what is shleep??