
Daftar Novel yang udah selesai di drive :
          	1. Me and Thee 
          	2. My Golden Blood
          	3. Dare You To Death
          	4. ThamePo
          	5. Goddes Blessed You From the Death
          	6. Khemjira
          	7. The Vow of Death (GBYFD Universe)
          	8. Bad Guy My Boss
          	9. Love Sea
          	10. Love Defection
          	Next Project :
          	1. Revamp
          	2. Star Scope
          	3. Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist
          	4. Real Love
          	5. Partner In Crime (Dare You To Death Universe)
          	6. Knock Out
          	7. Memoir Of Rati
          	8. Pitbabe 2
          	Yang mau join dan support author bisa langusng hubungi di wa  ku ya :)


@ Mew_Nu  mau...nomor wa nya donk


@Mew_Nu waiting for Revamp.


No wa nya mana phi?


Bismillah, izin promosi yah Kak! 
          Wattpad TIBOKA by ArialStories, 
          Tentang sad story, strict parents, bully, drama percintaan, pernikahan, politik, hingga persaudaraan 
          Ga vote juga gapapa, asal membacanya dan menikmatinya adalah hal terbaik bagi penulis :) 


          I'm looking for a book on Wattpad.
          I read the beginning, didn't save it and now I can't find it. It's a BL story
          A young, pretty boy, in the name of love, pays off his lover's debts by working in a pub instead of him. He gives him all the money he earns so he can pay off the debt. This lover cheats on our boyfriend and finds someone to live with for the money (he doesn't pay off the debt). The owner of the pub puts our boyfriend up for auction. Whoever pays the most for him gets to spend the night with him. The auction is won by someone who then burns down the place of worship and takes the boy to some castle (maybe France). I don't know what happens next. Do you happen to know this book?


@krakataryna omg blue moon, I’ve that in my save I love it read it many times 


Yes. I just found this book and read the beginning. That's it. Thank you so much


            Is it Blue Moon by Aiden Vivienne aka Aiden Black?


I just finished arthit's and dao's story and really loved it. Thank you so much for your hars work! I read that you had also translated other stories and uploaded them on your drive. Could I please have the link for that? ^^