In your opinion who was the better character? Raiden or Shiva?
Reading Lists
I have a really important question that means a lot to me and i need to talk to someone about it. So i have a beast friend (practically my only friend) that asks me to hang out almost every week and i'm not used to hanging out with people couse i didnt have friends before this year. So i mostly say i dont want to or something but they always keep telling me " But why? Dont you want to see me outside of school?" And we keep arguing like that. Today was one of the days they asked me and i said i dont want to (its free lesson by the way) and they started yelling at me that i never want to hang out with them that i shouldnt stay home so much. Then they touched the most sensitive topic, that my brother will not always be there for me ; we had a topic why i dont want to see them and i said i want to spend time with my brother. Now im holding back tears. Im just kinda uncomfortable going to their house and talking to their parents, they are kind and all but always ask me personal questions that im not comfortable answering. So now we didnt talking to eachother for like an hour. I just want to know if i was wrong for not hanging out with them or if i should apologise. Someone please tell me.
If you really appreciate your friend and they are good friend. Not getting you into trouble or influencing you into anything bad. Then just try. I'm sure it wasn't easy for them to get you out.. If they tried that hard that means they care for you.
Think about the questions they ask you. Always be prepared before meeting them. Take 3 minutes of the day to face your challenges. Tell them at the moment you don't have a response to the question. Be clear to them. "I'm currently discovering my weakness and my strengths to better myself." "In what ways?" "Small steps. Doing my bed in the morning. Taking out the trash. Doing dishes. I read 30 minutes a day." "What do you read?" "Different genre's nothing that is philosophy or scientific. Just my own personal likings. What are your interests in books." Flip the tables and ask them a question. Est some iron 10mg and some vitamins. Anything with iron - b12-. Have no Cheetos, sodas, or caffeine related. You'll get anxious and shaky and have gutted feelings. Try maybe something very small and salty. Like some nuts or pretzels after eating caffeine's or spices. 1cup of water in he morning gets rid of drowsy and baggy eyes. Things get better. Trust me. We all have to push for that better life. None of us were born as Will Smith. No more excuses. You want this you gotta work for it. If you have never worked once in your life, welcome. Welcome brother or sister. We all came from somewhere, no? :-) you got this
In your opinion who was the better character? Raiden or Shiva?
Thanks for voting :)
Darling I came for ya~ :)
I have a really important question that means a lot to me and i need to talk to someone about it. So i have a beast friend (practically my only friend) that asks me to hang out almost every week and i'm not used to hanging out with people couse i didnt have friends before this year. So i mostly say i dont want to or something but they always keep telling me " But why? Dont you want to see me outside of school?" And we keep arguing like that. Today was one of the days they asked me and i said i dont want to (its free lesson by the way) and they started yelling at me that i never want to hang out with them that i shouldnt stay home so much. Then they touched the most sensitive topic, that my brother will not always be there for me ; we had a topic why i dont want to see them and i said i want to spend time with my brother. Now im holding back tears. Im just kinda uncomfortable going to their house and talking to their parents, they are kind and all but always ask me personal questions that im not comfortable answering. So now we didnt talking to eachother for like an hour. I just want to know if i was wrong for not hanging out with them or if i should apologise. Someone please tell me.
If you really appreciate your friend and they are good friend. Not getting you into trouble or influencing you into anything bad. Then just try. I'm sure it wasn't easy for them to get you out.. If they tried that hard that means they care for you.
Think about the questions they ask you. Always be prepared before meeting them. Take 3 minutes of the day to face your challenges. Tell them at the moment you don't have a response to the question. Be clear to them. "I'm currently discovering my weakness and my strengths to better myself." "In what ways?" "Small steps. Doing my bed in the morning. Taking out the trash. Doing dishes. I read 30 minutes a day." "What do you read?" "Different genre's nothing that is philosophy or scientific. Just my own personal likings. What are your interests in books." Flip the tables and ask them a question. Est some iron 10mg and some vitamins. Anything with iron - b12-. Have no Cheetos, sodas, or caffeine related. You'll get anxious and shaky and have gutted feelings. Try maybe something very small and salty. Like some nuts or pretzels after eating caffeine's or spices. 1cup of water in he morning gets rid of drowsy and baggy eyes. Things get better. Trust me. We all have to push for that better life. None of us were born as Will Smith. No more excuses. You want this you gotta work for it. If you have never worked once in your life, welcome. Welcome brother or sister. We all came from somewhere, no? :-) you got this
So today is going to be my sisters wedding and im still not sleeping. Its 1:56 and im gonna have to wake up before 8:00 ಥ‿ಥ im gonna be dying in the morning. Wish me luck.
So my mom told me a joke and i absolutely LOVE it so im going to share it with you guys. Here is the joke: A man dies and goes to hell. Satan comes up to him and says: "Since your in hell you can choose a punishment that wil be done to you for 1000 years" The men noods. Satan and him go to the first room. There they see a man slowly being burned. The men says: "I defenetly dont want to stay in this room" So they go to another room. When they enter they see a men being beat with a bat. Again the men says: "I dont want to be in this room eighter" So they go to the third room and they see a blonde women pleasuring a men. The men says: "This is the room i want to stay in" "Are you sure?" Satan asks. The men noods. Satan then went to the blond women and said: "You can stop now blondie. We have a replacement for you"
I know damn well nobody reads it but i need to talk to someone about it. No need to reply. So my cat had kittens not too long ago. So i just went to my kitchen not expecting anything. Just as i walked in, my parents told me to come to closer. They started asking if the kittens could see and walk. I told them that yes they could. My mum then said that we will be teaching them how to drink from a bowl. I said ok couse i didnt know the reason. As i was about to go to the bathroom my mother told me "We think Chestnut (name of my cat) was run over by a car. Thats why we will teach the kittens drink." I stopped dead in my track for a second then walked to the bathroom. Did my thing. Walked upstairs to my room and bursted out crying. My parents thought of an amazing way to start my day. (Note the sarcasm) So bye i will be crying and probally reading some stories to make me forget what in the hell just happened.
I didn't mean to make you think i thought my parents are mean or bad i just didn't expect that is all
Guys i think my tooth just broke in half! ಥ╭╮ಥ
@MhaSimp56 Left My account opened in school... Someone shared it because didn't know about incognito. My excuse "I like to keep up with the trend's." Trends were questionable I died... All day in class... I hope he really is just messing around. Like that's privacy invasion! ;-; your privacy...* Cry*
So theres a bomb alarm at my school. My brother and I are at home reading messages from our classmates. So just another day in Poland (•ᴗ•)
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