
Hai, suka anime? Mau ngoleksi picture/gambar nya? Mampir ke Anime Sekai ku yuk? Semua anime favorit mu ada di Anime Sekai! Di jamin bikin puas dan selalu ada kata-kata motivasi di akhir cerita! 
          Anime Sekai gak cuma menyediakan gambar doang, tapi ada seputar informasi tentang anime itu mulai dari sinopsisnya, pembuatnya, genrenya, skor nya, jumlah eps nya, asal Studio nya dan tanggal penayangannya, lengkap banget kan? 
          Tunggu apalagi? Buruan mampir dijamin nambah ilmu buat animers kayak kamu? Jgn lupa vote ya?



Hi How are you? Could you please help me to spread my story? It's very important for me. I have a message to spread to the world. My story it's called " the Heart of the Ocean" and tells about the story  of my Life and what happened to me and my mother when I was Born. ( Medical malpractice) The most important chapter it's called "NULLA ACCADE". 
          Hope you Will help me, have a nice day.
