Ahhhh today, the 10th of February marks the third (!!!!!!) anniversary of BIF/LIH. Oh gosh, guys, I can't believe it's already been three years?! This has been such a crazy journey, and I'm so, so, so grateful to all of you who've been on it with me. Some of you have been here since the first chapter three years ago, some of you are more recent followers, but gosh, I love you all so much and words aren't enough to express my gratitude.
I've had some crises and some ups and downs during this journey, and more times than I care to count I've come close to deleting this whole thing and giving up writing altogether, because let me tell you THIS HASN'T BEEN EASY! But I'm still here, thanks to your love and support, and also maybe thanks to being a bit crazy. The voices are still loud in my head, and as long as they keep talking to me, I guess I'll keep writing.
I know I'm not updating as often as I used to be. I've had to prioritize my work, my family and my mental health. But this fic is still very much alive, and the next chapter is on the way. I hope to update this week, but we'll see. Hoping for the best.
Anyway, thanks to everyone who is still reading my fic. Let's celebrate the 3rd anniversary of my baby! Drop me a comment and tell me what's your FAVORITE chapter / scene in BIF/LIH, because I'm just dying to find out.
Much love,