
Hazard won’t be coming back, for now


Would it be fine to change some important things in Hazard? At first, I could handle leaving them, but as days went on, I worried more about them. Some I feel like make the story inconsistent, and some I feel like it’s passing someone’s boundaries (which is absolutely not okay to do.)
          I’ll be changing the code names, how the building is described, and the descriptions of powers. I might change other things if I find something. So, if you were wondering, there it is.


I’m starting to feel like I can start writing again, but if needed, I’ll change the parts that I’ve been wanting to change for months now. I’ve changed since Chapter 0, and I don’t want people to see my writing as my first chapter. No hate on anybody who liked it, but I personally hate the beginning chapters and would like to change them a bit to what I would want it to be now.


Happy Pride Month everyone!!
          You’re all valid, amazing, and the best Reminder to not hate anyone and spread positivity too! I love you :D ️‍❤️


Forgot to put a period after best! Sorry! <3


          10K reads on Hazard??? Am I reading that correctly???? You guys read this dumpster fire???
          Okay seriously though- thank you so much for 10k!! I can’t- I don’t know what to even say! Just uh..I’m surprised you guys are even interested still, with my dumb updating schedule and all that. Sorry for all the self deprecating, I’m just really shocked my goodness. I’m excited for what comes next the future! I’ll try to not let up guys down, thank you. ❤️