
I have 2 weeks off and idk why I want to write so badly lol I’m so inconsistent with this stuff that people forget about my books. 
          	Kind of want to continue with my IG book also want to continue with reality’s dark secrets…


I have 2 weeks off and idk why I want to write so badly lol I’m so inconsistent with this stuff that people forget about my books. 
          Kind of want to continue with my IG book also want to continue with reality’s dark secrets…


Think I’m going to work on a new chapter to seventeen since I don’t have any drafts to work with also might start a new story soon let me know what you guys think, the post before this one explains my idea for the new book. 


As you guys know all of my drafts are gone and I’ve been super depressed about it (still hoping they’ll return like in the past) but I’m thinking about writing another book that’s similar to forced for the cameras. Different plot and a different female lead. What do you guys think? Would you be down for it or would you guys rather me just wait until my drafts show up (if they ever do) and just continue all my other stories?


My drafts for apartment C-17  still haven’t appeared back and I’m nervous that they’re gone for good. I was so ready to update apartment C-17. 
          But in good news I do have reality’s dark secrets drafts back. Y’all want the update or what?


Um excuse me why did my drafts disappear? This happens all the time! I had 2 drafts for reality’s dirty secrets and I planned on posting the update to apartment c-17 today /: I’m sad. I guess I’ll keep you guys updated when my drafts reappear 


I’m so sorry it’s taking me so long to write the chapter for apartment C-17. I’ve been really busy and want to give you guys the best chapter. I promise once it’s finished it’ll be worth the wait probably going to be the best chapter thus far in my opinion.