
Don't forget to check out my new story. 


Hello, everyone.  it's time to  told you all this. i'm actually @archangeloffaith originally, i planning to give this account to my brother so he can write some stories like i do. but then, even now. i see that he is more into games than writings so at first, i made this account in case something happened to mine so i can move my writing here. but ever since then, i decided to manage both accounts just so it won't be abandoned and unusable. this account is also for writing ideas that i have in the main account.  
          I'm still referring the OC as Michael since i am inspired to make him from the Supernatural Iteration of the character.


I couldn't bear it after last year Made me....matured? And pretty much forced myself to spill this out.... 


this message may be offensive
@LuciferTheFallenOne-  it was.... A terrible time. I was still a shit writer and pretty much have no fixed schedule because of well, school and other stuff. So i just reply to both when i can. Shit pretty much making me feel even more horrible....


@Michael2146 ngl, I guessed this awhile back lmao. The timing between reply’s was what gave me the hint. That and how whenever something major would happen with that rp, you’d know about it. I didn’t think I was actually right but I’m surprised I guessed it