
@Taylorcaniff3 haha yass babe 


Don't be afraid to stand out.
          In a world full of darkness, you are given the chance to shine bright :)
          I called Andrea earlier today, and she told me she won't be at school for a few days next week, and to tell you she says she loves you and stay strong.
          we both love you, and we both need you to stay strong.


this message may be offensive
God damn you are so gorgeous. 
          you shouldn't believe any horrible words In which escape other mouths, because they are only Jealous, they can't be you.
          No one compares to you, a unique young woman fighting for her own life through a tough battle In which I am also going through. Though I an towards the end of my battle, escaping the painful rumors and threats, and becoming stronger, I shall never stop supporting those still yet pulling themselves through the battle.
          I honestly believe that no one should go through pain, but I guess It's a part of life we can't skip.
          you can't have a rainbow without rain, and I know that sounds cheesy, but It's true.
          Don't give up, because you have so much to live for.
          I am gonna come over and bring Starbucks and pizza, okay?
          we can chill and gossip about our problems together, and I can be your shoulder to cry on, darling.
          I will never leave your side, and I promise I will never give up on you.
          I fucking love you, okay?
          I would never lie about my love for someone, and I will take any risks to show my love through actions, not only words alone.
          I don't regret being your best friend, nor do I regret meeting you.
          me and Andrea, we both love you, an you know that we both have been through the same battle you are going through right now.
          when I get to your house, we are flushing those razors away together, saying goodbye to the pain for a while.
          I cherish every moment spent with you, I always have, and I always will.
          memories are better when made with the ones you love.