Okay, not only did they manage to recover a piece of human hair from a locked cabinet, but our OC buddy Sam encountered a new monster. This one is supposed to be a manifestation of Naked Pops? I can hardly tell if that's him. Why it's so burnt up is beyond me. But it's understandable that it's naked and giggling. That sounded makes is the reason I chose the name giggler for it. Then again, I suppose you already got a name for this creature? If you do, the name I chose would be a nickname. Don't let the name giggler fool you, there is nothing funny about a large headed creature being all naked and burned. These monsters are born out of thin air. Physical manifestations of the mind. Remember the last time Mordecai and Rigby had to deal with those? Think of the Summertime song. The creature wasn't even a ghost, he was just music. You can't touch music, but music can touch YOU. That thing was more of an annoyance than anything else. I think I'd rather deal with the zombies only. Anyways, it's a good thing you updated this early before Halloween. I'll be expecting other chapters as well. If you're ever looking for inspiration for other monsters, I wouldn't be surprised if you looked up Regular Show with its monsters. You got lucky and got one resembling Naked Pops. There's probably dozens of those things.