
Merry Christmas and happy holidays


@MichaelRobbins402 can you please update on lincoln butterfly 


Okay just made the new chapter of a loud butterfly this one's not going to necessarily have a lot of progression of the story but rather explain the origin of this story's in universe magic and how Lincoln is linked to it but don't worry there's a corrupted or two near the end foreshadowing the next chapter.


@MichaelRobbins402 yes to the first one but I'll admit I'm not exactly focusing on romance in this story maybe next one so he might get a girlfriend in this one don't be expecting any big romantic scenes


@MichaelRobbins402 is Lincoln going to make new friends and love 


Hey I think I'm going to get rid of my jujutsu gamer story and kind of make a better one it'll stay up but pretty soon I might start working on a new one.This is just I feel a long time coming I won't take it down until I feel like I'm ready to post the new one if you don't want me to see if you can get the views to 100


@MichaelRobbins402 any updates on lincoln butterfly 


I waited until it was midnight where I was now I could say it Happy New Year


@MichaelRobbins402 can you please make a story about marco diaz gamer system


Hey everyone I'm just here to tell you that some updates are coming up the good news is I haven't forgotten loud brother squid sisters and a loud butterfly in fact I have one chapter finished for loud butterfly and I'm working on the loud brother squid sisters one and as for the HIHI puffy ami yumi with Linky I guess let me just say it's a bit on Hiatus for now it's not completely removed but for now I'm just going to put it down and maybe pick it back up sometime in the future and one really big update is I'm going to try to break the mold most of the stories you've seen me written are Lincoln loud main character stories and I aim to try to finish the stories and I'll probably pick up the one that I put on hiatus and I have ideas for new ones but I've decided after seeing a certain group of stories to try to put my own hand on one of those the character is an OC of my own creation and I've actually written two drafts I'm going to publish the one that I think is better because the other one if you think the one I publish is messy you should see the other one the one I'm going to publish is not a traditional one but kind of my own version of it and let me just put out a disclaimer for this unlike the Lincoln loud stories I will not do a publishing by chapter but publishing by arc and I will try to have the loud brother squid sisters story chapter finished at least before the next year.