
Popping in to say thanks to those of you who are still reading my One Piece fanfiction. 
          	I still haven't decided whether I want to come back, it's a step that I don't wanna make just yet. I do hope that I can return eventually.


I don't know where I am right now in my life. I'm lost, and I still feel so detached from everything, and I don't know how to fix this. 
          Deep down, I feel like I'm not the same, I don't know if its a good thing. It doesn't feel like a good thing, but I don't know. I can't explain what it is. I know a lot of you don't read these, but that's okay.
          I'm sorry there isn't an update. Maybe I can soon.


@Michaelis_Lilith  you are not alone on that feeling


Hey guys, I'm in a writing mood despite the fact that I'm very tired, and just got off work 40 minutes ago. I'm would like to get two major updates out tonight. Them being Kid x Hot Headed Reader Part 3(I think?), and It is him! (Law x Reader Pt2) If I can't get them both then I'll just get whatever I get to first.
          Thanks to everyone who read these stories, even though I know that they are nothing compared to other good writers stories. It's really appreciated, please vote so I know that you liked it and want more!


Okay, to be truthful to you guys. I've been very stressed out lately and this is my first time being on here since my late update. 
          I'm having anxiety attacks because of work, and the people at work don't care.
          I was on my feet for 6 hours and 45 minutes and I only sat down for five of that. I wasn't use to it, I was being trained for closing, plus having to do pre-closing, plus having to help customers. I overloaded, and had an anxiety attack sat down for five minutes and my boss text me and complains about how the higher ups were watching the cameras. I hadn't eaten since 12pm and I went to work at 4 and I still haven't eaten... I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. And I've just been a hot stressed mess today. 
          I can home a bit ago, and just cried in my room for a bit because this is my first job. I can't get fired from my first job.. it's all so stressful.
          When I can finally get some time to myself, and won't have to worry about things. I'll try working on those requests and other One shots. Until then, I'm gonna finish my night and hopefully it won't get any worse. Bye..