
          	THANK YOU to @ElizaGrant8 for all your voting on the chapters! It’s always a dream to know someone likes my books  


Ambassador unlocked 
          So much training all done! I’ll never stop learning of course but it’s nice to see my badge. Please be aware that I am engagement and there are certain things I can help with and some stuff I cannot help with. If I know how to help I will direct you to the right direction. 


Ambassador training 
          So far there is much more happening than I expected but hey that’s life. Learning Canada’s rules are different than I had expected as well but I’m doing my own research to understand! 
          Also some fun news I’m almost finished with my Fluke fan casting video ! 


I’m officially an ambassador 
          Hello all,
          I’ve officially become an ambassador of engagement in on Wattpad! The future publishing agent in me is weeping to add this to my resume! I love you all so much and I’m excited for this chapter to open for me. I’m excited to see new stories and get to know so many more of you!