Hey, I'm SoundofOizys, or CrystalNyx! You can find me mostly on Ao3, but I'm working on moving all my works to Wattpad as well. I usually write Harry Potter/creepypasta crossovers, and a few other creepypasta crossovers as well. I'm currently a student, and am generflux, so use any pronouns! Hope you enjoy reading
  • RegistriertAugust 10, 2022

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Geschichten von SoundofOizys
Trapeze Artist von Michelle247650
Trapeze Artist
Kids are difficult, especially when that kid is an over-dramatic theater kid who's more flexible than physica...
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Child of Arson von Michelle247650
Child of Arson
The wizards of Britain were fools; stuck in old ways and purposely ignoring the rapid change around them, cho...
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