
@foxyduck18 That's how we all learn.  Trust me, I still have a lot to learn and I know my writing gets better with each story I write.  I cringe when I try to read my older stories. Heck, sometimes I cringe at my newer stuff too! ha ha! lol  Keep up with the writing.  If you enjoy it, that's all that matters!  :-)


I have always loved to read too.  I started writing because I was bored at work and couldn't just open up a book at my desk w/o getting in trouble.  So I decided to just make up my own stories. lol  Since I'm a daydreamer I started with fantasy because I love just letting my imagination go and there are no restrictions in a world full of magic.  ;-)  Well, whatever you do, just keep writing what you enjoy!


@foxyduck18 That's how we all learn.  Trust me, I still have a lot to learn and I know my writing gets better with each story I write.  I cringe when I try to read my older stories. Heck, sometimes I cringe at my newer stuff too! ha ha! lol  Keep up with the writing.  If you enjoy it, that's all that matters!  :-)