
Hello my friends,I just finished the prologue of ‘ The Bermuda Depths’ This is a fanfic from a 1978  made for tv movie. I was captivated by the doomed love affair between the young biologist and a beautiful mysterious woman that comes from the sea. I’m going to ‘Reylo-ize it.  But I’m keeping the ending the way it is from the movie. It’s not a H.E.A. Please feel free to let me know what you think.


Hello my friends,I just finished the prologue of ‘ The Bermuda Depths’ This is a fanfic from a 1978  made for tv movie. I was captivated by the doomed love affair between the young biologist and a beautiful mysterious woman that comes from the sea. I’m going to ‘Reylo-ize it.  But I’m keeping the ending the way it is from the movie. It’s not a H.E.A. Please feel free to let me know what you think.


Yeah for me! Moonlighting is finished. I’ve got two new stories planned I just need to write a summary for both and see if anyone is interested in reading them. They are a flipped version of ‘Overboard’ and and old movie from the 1970s called ‘The Bermuda Depths’ I hope all of you that see this had a great Christmas and a great New Year.


Hello everyone and Merry Christmas. Here is a chapter wrapped up in a bow for your indulgence. Please forgive me for this behemoth of a story. I promise to do only one more chapter then I plan on doing a new story. I take all my stories from my favorite movies. And coming up next is ‘Overboard’ with a Reylo twist. 


I apologize for the length of this story. But Ben and Rey’s Moonlighting hasn’t come to an end yet. They must go through one more hurdle before they reach their HEA. A deep and powerful love like theirs can endure many hardships, challenges and trials and come out even deeper and more powerful. Of that I am positively certain.


Great  news everyone. I just learned that the TV show Moonlighting  will be streaming  on Hulu. So you can watch it them come over here and read it. Let's all pray for Bruce Willis. He has Dementia.  I'm so glad he has a supportive  and loving wife and family.