
Also we reached 10.1K Reads thank you guys so much ❤❤❤


Omg guys I'm back I promise I'm not dead :'D
          I've finally, after months, sat down and finished my draft for Chapter 9 of "Fateful Encounter" and its finally up. This mf was a CHALLENGE. It felt like fighting a Skyrim/Elden Ring boss
          The chapter took an extremely long time to publish for one reason only: Yugioh Duels. As a Yu-Gi-Oh fan, I know JACK about how duels actually work and so, so much research was put into this chapter. This chapter has two duels technically, both of them aren't even the duels in their entirety but two duels nonetheless, along with small clips of the ends of two other duels if that makes sense.
          I really hope you enjoy the chapter, the same chapter will be published on AO3 as well if you'd like to see it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45148858/chapters/134680147 
          And hey, if you wanna read something I'm also proud of, check out my second book on AO3, "Eternal Summer", starring characters from Yu-Gi-Oh ZEXAL in a competitive swimming environment: Link is here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44879335   <3
          See ya guys soon, I'ma go pass away for another month


Damn I left this account to rot, how sad 
          Um, I'm still alive, I've slowly migrated over to AO3 sadly but I'm still working on Fateful Encounter over there. I'm mostly working on my other fanfiction "Eternal Summer" though. If you're a big fan of Yugioh ZEXAL, I recommend at least scanning through it. The book is still under this username too, I have a cute Totoro pfp and the book is still a work in progress. But honestly I like it better than any book I've written sadly. 
          Fateful will be updated soon. I don't know how soon but the draft is about all the way done. I've just lost motivation to finish the dueling scene in it since it requires me to learn how to play the card game. And it's so complicated to learn. 
          To those who care though, I recommend just going over to AO3, you'll get actual stuff from me over there.
          I am terribly sorry for the delay and will try to get back on track soon 


this message may be offensive
I am terribly sorry, to those of you that really care, but the next chapter of "A Fateful Encounter Under a Tree" will be postponed officially to the middle of May instead of the end of April, as there have been complications that have made me step away from writing for a while, as well as exam month approaching and I will have to actually study for it. I usually have a "fuck it, we ball" type attitude toward exams, that's the only reason why I have Straight A's, but this time I plan to uh maintain those A's so we gotta actually study for AP Speech and DC Graphic Design, whoopsie. Can't be goofing now toward the final stretch.
          So, officially, the release for the next chapter will be from May 7th to May 13th, somewhere in that week, I will have at least the proofread document ready, along with some final tweaks here and there. I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for understanding. :)


          I am happy to announce that the newest chapter, which has been renamed to "Sit, Stay, and Speak" has now been revamped and ready to read to the public!
          I am terribly late to polishing this, publishing it *on* the deadline day but here it is! This chapter was short, ugly to look at, and carried to plot relevancy, so I made it longer, flow much better than before, and made it not filler. I hope you enjoy reading it :)
          Also, as usual, you can support me by going to any of the links in my Linktree, in my bio, and also going to both "moldyarts" and "wisydora" on Instagram! They both are wonderful artists that I personally like and supporting them makes me happy. Just some selfless promo for them :)
          The next chapter will be out by the end of March, so stay tuned! We're nearing the end of the book now, so I'm ready to give it my all! Stay tuned :D


Im sorry for the lack of updates!
          I've recently been working on a side project for a wonderful artist on Instagram and publishing that fanfiction on AO3! Yes, I sadly betrayed you Wattpaders, I cheated on you guys. 
          But I just find more diversity and get better recognized for my talent over there, but Wattpad has always been my go-to So! I have made the executive, marketing decision to publish "A Fateful Encounter Under a Tree" on AO3 as well! Of course, this is my birthland, so you guys will receive the first update in the book and they will receive an already uploaded chapter or just receive the newest one at a later time.
          This does NOT mean that I will stop publishing here!! I just want to widen my writing talent to other platforms so it will get better recognition!
          As always, the next update will be some time by the end of the month! I'm currently working on an English Essay, as well as the side project on AO3 so please do not stress me out if it's a few days over the deadline! I am being surrounded by way too much English for a Hispanic person to handle. Kindness is the best gift you can give a writer :)
          Also I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day! I actually had one, unlike some of you lonely ass bitches 
          Thank you for understanding and stay tuned!


We recently hit 9.3K READS ON "A Fateful Encounter Under a Tree" and I couldn't be prouder! I remember that I had made an announcement maybe 2 years ago about being excited for this same book reaching 3k reads and look at me now, tripling that amount and with extra! 
          I am very proud of this fanfic and I have been working very hard on promoting it on other platforms with promotional art and ads, but for now, I am extremely happy to celebrate 9.3k reads with you guys. I am seriously so grateful and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
          As for smaller announcements regarding the book, I believe that I am on track to post one chapter every month towards the end of the months, and maybe two if time may allow me! I might have to take either April or May off depending on Semester Finals and Grad Finals but for now, this is the somewhat schedule I will be following. I have already started mapping out the newest chapter and am ready to sell my soul for the completion of this book!
          Again, thank you so very much for the MASSIVE amount of support from all, and I mean ALL of you on the Revamp for this book and I hope you will enjoy these chapters more as I keep making more! Stay tuned!!


Happy Birthday to Katsuya Jonouchi, or better known in the Americas as Joey Wheeler! He is the main star in two of my books and he is a wonderful built character! ♥️‼️
          I am very sad that I only found this out like 2 seconds ago so Im not able to make any sort of gift to commemorate such a day, but I will certainly make this announcement about it! And maybe whenever I can, I'll post a birthday drawing later in the week on my Instagram @michord_ !!
          Hope everyone has a nice day! I heard that it snowed in certain places around the middle of America so stay safe guys! <3


Small shout out to my favorite books and their awesome writers that I'm currently reading or have finished and have been sitting very patiently for updates in between my own chapter updates. They're a good way to refreshen my mind while I work on my Revamp and I die for their stories :)
          - "No Fighting." by @puppyshipper
          - "Chained To You" by @SaijiSpellhart
          - "To Save a Puppy" by @Tipsyrainbow
          - "Rescue Me" by @EvelynGanzenmller
          - "Hate, Fight, Fall" by @Rachel4615
          Hopefully I got the names and at's right! Y'all have some magical hands when it comes to writing and I'm here for it. I literally dream to be writers like you guys 


@puppyshipper Ofc! Sorry for the late reply but you are a wonderful writer and i just feel the need to announce that :))


You are so sweet  thank you!  


@EvelynGanzenmller Yeah ofc! I still haven't uh finished it, sadly, but i absolutely loved the plot and always enjoy coming back to it in between my writing sessions :))