I am happy to announce that the newest chapter, which has been renamed to "Sit, Stay, and Speak" has now been revamped and ready to read to the public!
I am terribly late to polishing this, publishing it *on* the deadline day but here it is! This chapter was short, ugly to look at, and carried to plot relevancy, so I made it longer, flow much better than before, and made it not filler. I hope you enjoy reading it :)
Also, as usual, you can support me by going to any of the links in my Linktree, in my bio, and also going to both "moldyarts" and "wisydora" on Instagram! They both are wonderful artists that I personally like and supporting them makes me happy. Just some selfless promo for them :)
The next chapter will be out by the end of March, so stay tuned! We're nearing the end of the book now, so I'm ready to give it my all! Stay tuned :D