
ok boomer


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Story time: this kid i hate with every burning inch of my body.
          Yesterday, this kid kept on making annoying and rude remarks to someone, so being me, I asked him to stop. He just looked at me, and did this annoying ass hiss thing. Keep in mind, I've told him to stop that shit multiple times. Being me again, I told him he's not intimidating anyone by doing that fuckin shit. 
          Lmao this dumbass said "Neither are you."
          I decided to say "At least I don't look like a social outcast."
          Then he just gets mad, saying some shit I forgot, then getting up and leaving while yelling "-cause people bully me, this is why I wish I was never born!"
          This bitch has the audacity to say that when he gets mad at people for lots of shit, hell, that bitch called my friend a faggot. Can't take a joke, either. In sixth grade, we were allowed to have our phones with us for thirty minutes, so my friend called his mom and I jokingly said "I'm being held hostage" and he just goes to me and says "you know your not being held hostage right" 
          I go "its a joke bro"
          "i TaKe JoKeS vErY sErIoUsLy"
          His brother is chill, but this dude should just fucking leave. Nobody likes him and he doesn't fucking know why.




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Okay, I know I have like 69420 stories I've barely worked on and shit, but remember in my ideas book I put one in for an apocalyptic themed story? I might start working on that, because it's a fucking good idea in my opinion. 
          I'll still try n get out updates for my other books too, been workin to try and crack out a couple chapters maybe.