
Hey guys! 
          	I want to apologise for my lack of updates. Unfortunately more updates will be delayed by another week, as I’ve been studying and have to sit my end of year law exams. I apologise! From the week after, university will be over for the year and I’ll be back to consistently uploading (: 
          	Thanks for the support! 


@Midika Good luck!  Law school is grueling - I am way late in responding.  How did everything turn out at the end of the year *crossing fingers*


@Midika hi just wanted to ask how law school is cuz I  just finished high school and I chose law as my course. Yes I now it's kinda strenuous but is it actually an ok course? 


Hi there! :)
          I was wondering if you would allow me to translate The Alpha’s Mistress into my native language, French. Of course, I would make sure to credit you as the author! Your work truly deserves to be recognized, and I'm so excited (if you permit me to translate it) to share your incredible story with more people :)


I love all your writings. You have such an amazing way of pulling the reader into the book and really getting their attention. You’ve been one of my favorite authors since I was in high school. I hope we get to see all your books turned into physical books. 


          The Princess’s Guard is so good. I think I’ve read it like 6 or 7 times. Just the day before yesterday skimmed through my whole library, and then couldn’t find it. So literally searched up, like a year after I read it for the 1st time. Just to read it another 2 times again aghhhhh. 
          Could you not make a like a small 2nd epilogue of smth for Ark and Kiva? They must be your best characters honestly. So good. You didn’t do enough for that godly dynamic honestly. Ahhhhh could have done so much more with them huhuhuhu please? I know it had been so long. 
          The first time I read it, I really didn’t wanna whine and bother. But… a year after, still feels illegal that this doesn’t have a post sequel with atleast a single part more. PUHLEASEEE


Hi, I love your books and just paid for the full subscription on inkit. For some reason the alphas mistress does not appear on the site at all. Has it been removed?


Actually there must have been a site issue as the book is now coming up in your profile. All good!!


That’s strange! It might be a technical issue on their site. I’ll try contact them and if you want to flick them email as well to see what’s going on! Otherwise check my profile instead of the search bar. It should be visible under my book list 


Hi I just wanted to say I’ve been reading your books since 2015/16 (middle school) now I’m 21 and a senior in college…. You literally are a Wattpad pioneer and cannot be duplicated


Aweee we’re strangers but have kinda grown together in a sense Good luck on your masters and thank you I’m wishing you the best in all things!!


Wow, that’s crazy! Time has seriously flown. I still feel like I’m the 15 year old who just started this account on Wattpad (I used to write One Direction fanfiction lmao) and now I’m 25 and getting my masters! Thank you for the support for so many years, and good luck with college! (: 