Alright, so I thought I might start on something different while I put my transformers: lost girls on hold as I am stuck on ideas so for the moment I'm gonna start on my new story
Five nights at Freddy' children of the dark
In transformers: lost girls
Should I pair my characters with a boy or leave them single
If you do want me to pair them tell me witch character and a guy name of your choice
Hey so I know I've not finished my transformers storey yet but I was thinking if I should start a Harry Potter storey or another transformers one, let me know if I should start another book and if so witch one Harry Potter or another transformers Thanks
Hey guys, so I might be new here and I only have one storey that isn't finished but I would like some of you to tell me what other different types of storeys I should write, give me some of your ideas. Thanks
@lexy_loxy_lue432 you should do a storey about a girl who is created in out of space and she's a computer inside but she's sent down in a capsule ajd don't have any memory of it so she thinks she normal but when she has her arm amputated she sees wires and metal