
Things are a little crazy on this side of the digiverse! updates are slowing down rapidly, that is my fault, not Diaboromon's. Gomen Nasai (I hope that's spelled right xP) feeling up to a little fanfiction on Pokémon and maybe Digimon and I've already read "Random Doom" over on deviantART. Suggestions? Ya know, besides getting my pen in gear? Any form of Pokemorph is welcome, I love the idea CX


Things are a little crazy on this side of the digiverse! updates are slowing down rapidly, that is my fault, not Diaboromon's. Gomen Nasai (I hope that's spelled right xP) feeling up to a little fanfiction on Pokémon and maybe Digimon and I've already read "Random Doom" over on deviantART. Suggestions? Ya know, besides getting my pen in gear? Any form of Pokemorph is welcome, I love the idea CX


I was looking up inspiration for the Chameleon related story i got in the works. Now i want to walk around school and tell everyone i have one. A few weeks later i'll say i brought it and they'll be like "Where is it?" and i'll make a big show of looking around all confused and say something like "I don't know... He was here a minute ago." just to mess with them CX
          Now that you know i am still alive i would love some sort of responce to any one of my stories!!! Thank You!