
You don't understand how nice it is to still see you guys commenting, voting for and even just reading my work. I'm trying to bring out new stories, but writer's block seems to be a common theme for me and when I had released Bound and it didn't get many views, it made me even worse off. I love you all though and thank you :')


You don't understand how nice it is to still see you guys commenting, voting for and even just reading my work. I'm trying to bring out new stories, but writer's block seems to be a common theme for me and when I had released Bound and it didn't get many views, it made me even worse off. I love you all though and thank you :')


I haven't been on Wattpad in ages but it still warms my heart to see you guys still leaving comments and voting for my fan fictions !! I'm going to try and write my new story as much as I can just for you guys x


@mykennas2004 this is all you ;)


@MidnightAt7 I knew it would happen ;)


          You do not understand how much of my effort went into these last two parts and even if they were short and not well written, please at least appreciate the concept of it! I could have written so much better but I'm only just getting back into writing.
          Thank you for your never ending support my loves <3


@Pheenyx_wolf this is a couple of months late but i love YOU 3000 <3


You guys, I have news... I am going to finish The Butterfly Effect!
          I’m so sorry it has taken me this long but I can’t leave it unfinished, not after all of your support and after all of your love. I’ll begin writing today ❤️


OML MEL I MISSED YOU TOO <3 @effervescxntbxcky


Hey, everyone! It's me! Yes, I am still alive. A few weeks ago, I announced that I was temporarily disabling my account and that I did. There was and still is a lot going on my life. I had hit a writer's block and had no inspiration whatsoever. Now, I'm back and I am determined to get some chapters up so that I can get back to my account!
          I love you all <3


Yay! I’m having the same thing with my story so take all the time you need, this book is totally worth any wait!❤️


@MidnightAt7 oh god i'm glad ur here I like kind of thought something happened to u ... i'm sorry for that writers block but u will get over it❤❤


I’m sorry that you have to go through all that <3


Hey ro, I wondered where you are, if something happened to you... we didn't hear from you in a while and it looks like your instagram got deleted...are you okay? Much love, anna


Hey, Anna! Thank you for your message for your concern. I had posted something on my story a few weeks ago where I explained how I was overwhelmed with a lot of things in my life and am taking a break so my account is just temporarily disabled. I had hit a writer's block, but I am now determined to get this story up and complete! Thank you again for checking in x @annakuc3ra


I adore you guys and your comments, honestly you are my motivation. Without all of your support, I would never be writing so I appreciate it! <3
          Oh yeah, if you haven't seen my Instagram, I'm planning another Tom fan fiction after The Butterfly Effect so look forward to it!! (Not a Tom + Rina one, but I think I'll like this one better :))