Its 12:48 AM right now and trying to hard to fight the mighty powers of procrastination (which is stronger in the summer) to write Chapter 2 of Adaria because the first chapter was up in March... *slowly dies inside with each breath* I feel like I betrayed my characters for not wtiting!!!! So I WILL START TO WRITE!!!!
@MidnightCreation ive been writing off and on for 30 years. Only been published for 5 years...I've got 5 completed novels and another about 1/2 done. Tip: When you get stuck... think of Dorie and Just keep writing. Even if you think it sucks. It will stir your mind and you can edit it later. the important thing when you're stuck... is to just write. You might rewrite 50 times before you post but you'll establish the habit of writing instead of ignoring good luck! The story of 1000 pages begins with a single word...
Ikr lol it's all sister Joni was talking about tonight XD she was all like "ARE YOU GUYS EXCITED FOR SCHOOL!!!" and "I CAN'T WAIT FOR SCHOOL TO START SO I CAN SEE ALL THE KIDS AGAIN!!" and "All week while I was on the cruse all I was thinking about was how I MISSED MY KIDS!!!!" lol