Hey! I'm alive and just wanted to say thank you all for the support on Only Human! I'd taken the time to edit and add to the current chapters available. New content will now be available on Ritoria . com
However, the story will continue here too! A new chapter will be out by the end of the week with more regular updates to follow as this Story now has a world world attached :D
Hii I just wanted to ask if you’re still writing and uploading “Only Human” in Ritoria, because I still cannot find it there. I hope you read this and thanks.
Hey! I'm alive and just wanted to say thank you all for the support on Only Human! I'd taken the time to edit and add to the current chapters available. New content will now be available on Ritoria . com
However, the story will continue here too! A new chapter will be out by the end of the week with more regular updates to follow as this Story now has a world world attached :D
So I haven’t vanished again I promise I actually have a big announcement!!
I’ve been approached by a new site called Ritoria to put “Only Human” there as a premium book! It’s my first ever premium content and I’m so excited!
I’ve been working the last few weeks on Only Human, editing chapters and adding newer and spicer chapters to the story!
Of course it’ll continue in here from next week but newer chapters and new content will be available on Ritoria when it’s published!
I will make an announcement here when it happens but I am very excited! ☺️
Hey there!
So, I did a thing and for those of you who are fans of "The Truth Behind The Lies" I think you'll enjoy it so check out my page!
Also "Only Human" Will be updated this sunday!
@MidnightGalxXx awe I'm so sorry to hear, I hope you are feeling better and I hope they clear up soon. Your health comes first always . Thank you for letting me know and I look forward to your amazing work <3 :)
@JhennyDuval I'm so sorry it has been delayed. I came down with an ear infection and sinsus infection and couldn't edit the chapter to my liking to get it out. I'm getting through the chapter and another today and tomorrow so it will be up by thursday and another one friday :)