
So... Life has been full of tests, trials, challenges, and well.... a path full of boulders...
          	It reminds me of one very important thing.... We always need to be conscious of our prayer.. Never miss it, never leave it...
          	Cause life is going to get harder and those boulders are gonna get bigger if we don't pray.
          	Remember to thank the Lord who gave you life, who GIVES you breathe every single day, who makes it possible for you to have a second chance at... Everything...
          	May Allah SWT make us one of those who will be able to see him in the Afterlife, who will be able to live eternally in the best of Paradises, who will receive our book of deeds in our right hand. May Allah SWT make us one of His creation whom He will be happy with and proud of. Ameen.
          	I wish the best for everyone in this world and in the Hereafter.... Don't forget the power of Salah - Prayer and Dua'a - Supplication
          	Yours Truly,


So... Life has been full of tests, trials, challenges, and well.... a path full of boulders...
          It reminds me of one very important thing.... We always need to be conscious of our prayer.. Never miss it, never leave it...
          Cause life is going to get harder and those boulders are gonna get bigger if we don't pray.
          Remember to thank the Lord who gave you life, who GIVES you breathe every single day, who makes it possible for you to have a second chance at... Everything...
          May Allah SWT make us one of those who will be able to see him in the Afterlife, who will be able to live eternally in the best of Paradises, who will receive our book of deeds in our right hand. May Allah SWT make us one of His creation whom He will be happy with and proud of. Ameen.
          I wish the best for everyone in this world and in the Hereafter.... Don't forget the power of Salah - Prayer and Dua'a - Supplication
          Yours Truly,


I learned a new lesson in life...
          You need to believe in yourself in order to succeed in life. I realized that pleasing others ends up displeasing yourself... Life is tough but this is all a test and I want to pass it, In Shaa Allah.. I hope I can prove myself to myself... I wanna prove that I can do it and I wanna fill all those expectations I have for myself and what my parents have for me..
          I realized that I need to be "me".... That is something that honestly takes a lot of time to figure out.. People are always living under this disguise, this mask of themselves that sometimes they aren't able to seize the chance of discovering who they really are... I just wanna say..
          You are amazing. You are beautiful in your own way - 
          [Marianne Williamson]- "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."
          Smile, and live life being you ^-^


So I wrote 5 poems for Religion class and I feel like I should post one here... I don't know.. I am not a poet so I guess I will share a teensy bit of my favorite one to you guys ^-^
          As we sit together, I stare unto you
          Studying every single feature two by two
          I sometimes wonder what life would be like without your persona
          Yet, it is painful to go there
          The thought of leaving you breaks me into pieces


That moment when you realize you've made so many mistakes in life. If only life was a chalkboard where if a mistake was made, there would be no worries because of the chalkboard eraser that you have handy....
          It is not too late to repent though. Mistakes can be erased. You need to believe in God and believe in change. Or else, there truly is no point in wasting those tears when you know you're gonna end up doing it again...
          That moment when you wish you could press that rewind button on the movie "life". Albeit, you know you can't stop, pause, or rewind, it is your "life" and only you can change it. 
          You are the key to your own success...
          If only I realized before that people can steal stuff from you if you don't copyright your work.. Or your name that is..
          Alhumdulillah for everything ^-^
          Quote for Life: "Everything Happens For A Reason"