





To whom it may Concern, 
          R. E. M. I. N. D. E. R.
          1. RESPECT.
          — Please Do RESPECT the me as an author & my Character/s. DON'T comment nor post (in message board) other author/ character/s in every chapter of my story/ies. Commenting or posting other authors/ characters is a BIGGEST DISRESPECT. Everyone needs to be RESPECTED.
          2. DON'T COMPARE. 
          — Please Refrain yourself comparing my Story/ies esp the characters or Plot to other stories/ movies you've Read/ Watched. Its Understandable that the name of my characters are also similar to others but PLEASE DON'T COMPARE. its not like someone really owns the name/plot. Every Story/characters are very different from each other. 
          3. PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE.
          — Please Refrain yourself asking for updates. WAIT PATIENTLY. DON'T EVER DEMAND Updates from me. If There's an update then its good, but if none then LEARN TO WAIT. Remember that, I have a life too outside Wattpad. 
          4. DON'T PLUG/PROMOTE
          — PLEASE DON'T PLUG Your story/ies or Other Story/ies to my Message board or the Comment section. My message board is solely for Me and My Readers ALONE. If you want to PLUG your story/ies then do it on your message board or on your social media NOT on my Message board. 
          5. Lastly, ENJOY.
          — ENJOY Reading the Story. 
          That's all. Thank you ♥