I’m not gonna be here for a while, sorry
Reading List
I’m not gonna be here for a while, sorry
I’m not gonna be here for a while, sorry
lol why is half your conversations just me talking to you and saying random stuff lolll
@Reader_Writer123456 I wish!!!!! But you'd probably get REALLY confused with my brain. It's a little bit messed up.
What's with the unfollows, people? Did I do something?
@Reader_Writer123456 I've been told im scary... yet literally all the little kids in my neighborhood adore me.
@Reader_Writer123456 maybe they got scared of my baconbaconpancakes... *grins in evilness*
I saw a video about a parrot who was singing "bacon bacon pancakes" over and over while dancing, so now I'm running all over my house screaming "baconbaconpancakes" and wiggling weirdly while my parents and my sister are out.
@Reader_Writer123456 of what?? Us being soul sisters, waffles being awesome, us getting even more crazy, the world ending...?
Kay I know I said that already went to bed but I just came back REALLY quickly to mark down that the latest I've ever gone to bed is 5:30am.
@MidnightPotatoes True, True…. LOL I just realised… do I wanna know what time it is for you
@MidnightPotatoes G’day (wait but it’s night…. But for you it’s morning so oh well)
Oh hey I just realised you crochet! Cool I do too! lol literally the profile matches me ngl except for the birthday…
@MidnightPotatoes Violin is good, it’s sooooo much easier to carry, but sometimes it sounds like a dying cat so…. Anyways they are all good anyway
@Reader_Writer123456 yayayayayayay! Only that for my strings instrument I'm probably gonna pick violin. Cello is supder supder cool, but violins are easier to transport and they're better for if you don't have anywhere to put the stand thingymabobler. I dunno, I have until January to figure it out. And my friend who's doing it with me said (I THINK as a joke) she wanted to learn the stand up base. But I don't know which one to chooooooooose! Ugh
Oh yeah. I know to comment here you need to @ whoever to let them know that you said something. Do you have to do that on comments too?
@MidnightPotatoes Okay! I will be on same time (or earlier)! See ya! *dies casually*
@Reader_Writer123456 Reunited together for the first and last timnbsegdfhjnan. *Chokes somemore cause im not actually dead yet* *dies for real* Okay imma go to bed now, so hopefully see you tommorow!
Hiiiiiiiiii Its 1:11am And I'm doing math homework. Sort of.
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