BREAKING NEWS: I HAVE RISEN FROM THE DEAD. Yes, you read that right. I. AM. BACK. After one whole month of being MIA, I have finally updated. And no one, I repeat, NO ONE, is more relieved than me. You DO NOT understand the pain I was in. Writing isn’t just some hobby for me—it’s my soul on a page. It’s how I breathe. It’s how I exist. I write when I’m falling in love, and I write when I’m falling apart—and right now? Both. (We don’t talk about that.) But for the past month? I couldn’t write. I was suffocating. Actually going insane. Every day, I could feel my talent just rotting away while I was stuck in the never-ending hell of school. My weekends were supposed to be sacred writing time, but instead? I was being held hostage by history projects, geography assignments, and science practicals that I honestly DON'T care about. Who needs to know the range of a magnet when I have a perfectly good existential crisis to focus on? And the worst part? People don’t take writing seriously. They see it as "just a hobby." EXCUSE ME? This isn’t just a hobby—this is my everything. My mind is basically a chaotic mix of characters screaming, plotlines unfolding, and dialogue forming at 3 AM, and when I don’t write? It’s like all of that is trapped inside me, begging to be let out. So yeah, I’ve been struggling. I’ve felt like I was losing myself, like I wasn’t me anymore. But today? I said screw it to my maths homework (which is still very much pending), and I WROTE. And it felt so damn good. To my patient, beautiful, amazing readers (yes, all five of you): - I love you. Seriously. - I’m sorry for disappearing. I was fighting for my life out here. - I AM BACK, AND I AM NOT STOPPING. So go, read, enjoy, scream at me in the comments—I don’t care, as long as you know that I fought tooth and nail to get this update out. And if school tries to snatch me away again? Tell it to square up. ~Shaz (the unhinged author who survived academic warfare but not her own feelings)

@r0manticize_ aww, thanks! I'm glad to have someone who understands And you also keep your mind working, it's great that you got the time to work on one of your old books. With love, Shaz

@MidnightQuill011 I completely understand you Shaz oh my goodness. I haven't been able to sit down and actually write on my weekends in forever. I'm so glad you're back, your writing is absolutely perfect and isn't just a hobby. It's everything to you, and to me! I was also able to start working on one of my super old books. Glad to have you back!! Keep your mind working, but don't burn yourself out. With so much love, Crystal