Hi there! Before anything, I wanted to say that I loved your Story of Evil book, and it was a book that I read even before I started writing on Wattpad myself. There was one thing I was wondering. I plan to make a Story of Evil book, but instead of using the original characters of the Vocaloid, I will be using Genshin Impact characters. I'm telling you this because I'd like to use your book as a reference. It's pretty tricky to copy details from the song, anyways. If you don't want me to use your book, I completely understand. If you give me permission to use your book though, just know that I won't exactly be copying you, since I'll be using Genshin Impact characters. However, if you feel like I am copying your story, let me know! I'm open to changing things, and if you feel like I'm copying you, I can always make my own adjustments! Thanks if you take the time to read this! Byee <3

@bubbletea-chan I am all for you using my story :) I wrote it so very long ago that honestly I'm surprised people still enjoy it but I'm happy to hear it's nice enough for people to take inspiration from it. Good luck in your endeavors and thank you for asking!