
To my followers,
          	I have started to write the new short story that I've been talking about. So far there's only about two hundred words written. But I hope to get this finished by the end of the month so that way I can start to post it. So keep coming back for ore information. Thanks as always.


To my followers,
          I have started to write the new short story that I've been talking about. So far there's only about two hundred words written. But I hope to get this finished by the end of the month so that way I can start to post it. So keep coming back for ore information. Thanks as always.


To my followers,
          I have some great news! I finally finished plotting a short story that I've been wanting to write for a while now. And I have finally get the chance to write it. That means it will soon be posted on Wattpad for everyone to enjoy. I hope to get it finished written by the end of January and then start posting it in February.
          I am also in the process of finishing the final chapters for the Undead Chronicles Book 2. So that's something else to look forward to.


To my followers,
          Unfortunately there were no youtube videos for Preptober because of health reasons. But I have a few videos that are in the works for NaNoWriMo this month. So you can look forward to those. I also had a few eureka moments while plotting Undead Chronicles. So I have a few other stories that I kind of want to plot out. Stay tuned for more up dates and thanks for being so patient with me. More story information to come.


To my followers.
          This is the first day of October, which means that it is officially Preptober for all those that participate in NaNoWriMo. I plan on doing YouTube videos during October and throughout November. Once I get the Preptober video posted I'll leave a link for those that want to keep up to date on my writing projects that I've been working on. Thanks for being so patient. More information will up soon.


To my followers, I'm currently plotting out various stories that I hope to eventually get written. Right now I have a few projects that are in the plotting phase, that I hope I will be able to get written and posted on here. One of the current projects is the new version of the Undead Chronicles. I'm also working on Metamorphosis, which is about kids with powers. The Resurrection, which will be a paranormal story with demons. And I could keep on listing all my projects. Those projects listed might take a while before they are ready to be posted. So I also have some short stories that I will be working on that will be posted to Wattpad a lot faster. But I do plan on keeping everyone up to date with my projects so far. I hope to get some more information out to my followers soon, so stay tuned fort another up date in the future. From Ashley.


To all of my followers, I'm currently in the plotting phase of an up coming short story that I'm planning to post. I hope to get this plotting done sometime in January. So stay tuned and be on the look out to a new scary story that will be posted. Keep reading and enjoy.


To all my followers, I have just posted the 7th and finale chapter of the Mystery of the Stolen Legendary Pokemon.  I do hope that everyone has enjoyed reading it. Just remember that this was the first story that I ever wrote, so if it sucks then that would be why.
          I have been working of other short stories while I was slowly posting he chapters. So stay tuned for other short stories and eventually I'll have the Undead Chronicles posted here as well. Thanks for the love and support and I hope everyone enjoys the finale chapter.


Chapter 6 to The Mystery of the Stolen Legendary Pokémon has now been posted. I hope you are all excited for this new chapter. The next chapter is the last one for this book, I hope everyone has enjoyed reading this and will continue reading my work.