
Gosh I have not been on this account for a couple of months thanks to me getting a new phone and getting a new account. I feel so bad for those I haven't respond to if we ever did an to and I will try my best to stay on this account and reply to everyone here and the ones on my new account. 


Gosh I have not been on this account for a couple of months thanks to me getting a new phone and getting a new account. I feel so bad for those I haven't respond to if we ever did an to and I will try my best to stay on this account and reply to everyone here and the ones on my new account. 


Kinda swag


@Tokoyami- if was nice talking to you as well


@MidnightX14 anytime! It’s nice talking to you again


@Tokoyami- thanks a bunch. God knows that I need all the luck that I can get


So I got a new phone and I forgot my password and so I had to make a completely different account on my new phone. You'll know that it's me because I put the same profile picture on there. The username is lil_strawberry_17. Hope to see you all on my new account


this message may be offensive
When your phone wants to act like a friggin ass and decides to not show you a book that you want to read. Or maybe it's just Wattpad and when I click "continue" to read something and it just takes fucking forever to load or just not show anyone