
Sorry for not updating “My Little Sister” yesterday. I completely forgot yesterday was Saturday. I am so sorry, everyone.


It’s okay things happen. 


If you could I really want another fanfic about megatron if you don't mind I really love megatron and I love him so much I started rolplaying with an IA chatbot as my own character wildstrike,I got a good story out of it tho but the chat was deleted now I am sad but I will even read your book my sweet human again and again if I have to,just to get that feeling of actually being there.


Hi, everybody. I just recently completed a new book for "Transformers *My Little Sister* Book 4." I sincerely hope you enjoy the book, and I am eager to get on with finishing other books that I am in the middle of completing. Every Saturday, I plan to post a new chapter for this new story. I finish the book and intend to post a chapter every Saturday instead of posting the whole story in one go. Enjoy, and if you like the book, please leave a comment.


@Midnight_433334 Please update the Trouble trine I really enjoyed your book my sweet human and I enjoyed trouble trine too I really love how much work and detail you have put in them,I will make more time to try and read all of your books because they are amazing.


Hi, this is Duru from turkey. I read your knockout fanfic. That was really good. I love him so much. So... do you make an another one? I love reading another's fanfic. That's really exciting . It's not exciting when I write a fanfic :) ♡


@ NorthShawLover  okey thank you♡


@NorthShawLover. Unfortunately, I am working on a few different fanfics, but haven't started any new ones about Knockout. Though I can't guarantee that I will get it finished anytime soon, I could add a Knockout fanfic to my list of ongoing stories. I am very sorry and if I ever start a new book about Knockout then I will let you know. Have a great day.


Hi. Any chance of you writing a story for My Little Sister book 4 and 5 based on Transformers: Age of Extinction and Transformers: The Last Knight or maybe a Bumblebee Love story? 


@deanwinchester16 actually yes I am. Just finish writing the story and it's getting posted as I am typing this. Enjoy :)


Hello Midnight, I'm a huge fan of your stories, love them all... I just had a quick question. What do you use to make your covers? I'm trying to find the font that you use and trying to figure out how you color it like it's a gradient? It's just amazing. Again, love your stories. And I hope this doesn't sound selfish, I'm not trying to sound selfish, but could you read my stories and give me any feedback? I know you've been writing stories longer than me, I'm still learning how to write stories. It would be a great help and mean so much to me. Thank you.


@Midnight_433334, thank you so much for answering my question. It helps a lot. :)


Hello, @CalicoCoCali . It's all right, thank you very much for your message. I'd be delighted to go over your works and provide you with feedback. Reading Wattpad stories for a living is one thing I am great at, lol. Also to answer your question, I use a couple of apps, but Picsart is my primary tool for creating covers. Every time I needed a solid cutoff of an image or character, I used Bazaart. Again, I really appreciate your comments. Thank you very much.


Hello. I want to sincerely apologize. I just realized today that I forgot to upload a new chapter for my story "Decepticon Femme" on Wednesday, I decided to make up for it by posting two chapters today. Again, I apologize, and I hope you are enjoying my story. Thank you and have a wonderful day.