I feel like a bad parent . I’ve been so wrapped up in my current WIPs that I never really acknowledge my first two stories on here for the greatness they are.
>The Girl Behind The Mask was my very first baby & I was super proud when I finished writing it (granted it has a billion errors & plot holes).
>My Protector, along with TGBM, was another one of my firsts in more ways than one. The biggest being the first story I’ve ever finished in less than a year (started writing it AFTER TGBM and finished it BEFORE).
The point of this (semi)rant is that, I’m only now noticing that My Protector has reached 4K reads . The highest in any of my books & I honestly didn’t expect it to do so well, because it was written so long ago & my writing had improved since.
Thank you to all the readers out there. You’re the best!!