MashaAllah, your Bio was that great. Too long yet very interesting to read. A 'so spiritual Bio' ever. It did make me think. Like seriously? A Bio did give me a thousand thoughts. Just woah! Anyways, keep being a good person as what your Bio shows. Make the blast ♥♥♥.
Assalamuylikum Haay beloved
I just happened to pass through your account and I honestly Loved your bio. Subhan Allah its beautiful!♡
May Allah the Most High bless you, lovely ❤
And May He increase you in imaan and taqwa ..
Remember Allah loves you...:)
Stay blessed....:)
@dAsoulofhapynez Waalykumsalam sis. Sorry for the late reply and JazakillahuKhairan for stopping by.♡ Ameen ya rabb. And same to you ukhti. May Allah bless you in both the worlds. Amd i would really like to know you more. Love you for the sake of Allah. PM me if it doesn't feel weird. #stayblessed#LoveyouforAllah