
@DramaDreamers ._. I guess... but you owe me cookies and nutella =D =D


Hey! I thought of personally dropping in to thank you for adding my story Romeo vs Juliet to your library. :D
          P.S. it would be great if you could check out my other works and let me know perhaps, especially a new book that I have posted 'Realms'? :)
          P.S. my life's mantra? everybody needs to believe in something. I believe in CHOCOLATE1!! <3 ;)


@DramaDreamers ._. ONISBDFPIYABSNADSIYF <-- That is my childhood going haywire o-o I will never look at a pineapple the same ever again because of you! D'= Spongebob has been corrupted for me so many time ='( First he was a tampon, and no he's dead! ='O World, why must you be so cruel? =( D=


@JustHaych lol yaaaaaay =D then my about me box thingie has done its job xD to fulfill the happiness of others! ='D And plus, its educational! XD =O how dare you! I don't do drugs pshhhht ._. *cough cough* *whispers*(we'll make a deal later) =D
          Yes of course =D help yourself! ^.^ but leave some for santa xD unless he's carrying coal.... Then you can eat it all in front of him >=D muahahahaha!


@DramaDreamers ..... YOU JUST DESTROYED MY CHILDHOOD =O I hope you're happy D'= spongebob was my hero! ='( You know what? Screw it, Spongebob still lives!!! xD in my imagination =D A true hero never dies ^-^ So take that! >=D *going to corner and cuddling a pineapple* Ow.... 


@NMBooks No problem =) I'm happy to help in any way i can =) i actually finished reading your story last night on my phone but now i just need to quickly scan through the chapter again to make the comments =) it's an epic story so far =) ahh i see =) lol you're welcome =D oh that's awesome =) and yeah that does help with the imagery and visualization =) Anytime =)


I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your lovely comments on FATUM.  I am so happy you are enjoying the story!!!!  An update will be coming in about a week, so please stay tuned!  Also, I realized that you were right about there not being a description about Athena's features.  Unfortunately it seems that was cut in a round of edits and I didn't realize it, so thank you for pointing that out!  I revised Ch 1 Part 2 a little to include that Athena has brown eyes and brown hair (which is long and a little wavy).  Hope that helps with the visual a little!  Thanks again!